cheap monday är antichrist...
haha det här va det sjukaste jag läst på länge.
det är alltså nån amerikansk pastor som påstår att cheap monday jeans är antichrist.
fruktansvärt roligt, många roliga liknelser med djävulen, men orkar ni inte läsa allt så får ni det sammandattande stycket här:
Pray that the success that Satan is giving Cheap Monday jeans would be foiled so that those promoting the jeans might turn to the Lord and be saved before it is too late and they end up spending eternity in hell. Let us also pray that Cheap Monday jeans would have a short lifespan on the shelves of retailers before they corrupt more of our children in the USA and that they would be promptly removed from the jean pool.
Pastor Joe Schimmel
Blessed Hope Chapel
det är alltså nån amerikansk pastor som påstår att cheap monday jeans är antichrist.
fruktansvärt roligt, många roliga liknelser med djävulen, men orkar ni inte läsa allt så får ni det sammandattande stycket här:
Pray that the success that Satan is giving Cheap Monday jeans would be foiled so that those promoting the jeans might turn to the Lord and be saved before it is too late and they end up spending eternity in hell. Let us also pray that Cheap Monday jeans would have a short lifespan on the shelves of retailers before they corrupt more of our children in the USA and that they would be promptly removed from the jean pool.
Pastor Joe Schimmel
Blessed Hope Chapel

Postat av: Honey
fan. jag kommer go straight to hell :(